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Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Easy, Affordable shopping

From high-quality fashion and home decor, to kids clothing and accessories, the shops at Moshier Enterprise have something for everyone. Check out some of our items by using the "shop" button above . If there is something specific you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email or phone at 863-968-4421 or

Meet The Team


Caleb Moshier

  • Calebm679

Owner of the Store!!

Phone: 863-968-4421


Instagram: Moshier_Enterprise

After Hours

Ceira Moshier

  • Instagram


Phone: 863-618-7779


Moshier Enterprise Story

"Moshier Enterprise was honestly just a dream. To be honest, I never thought the store would make it this far, but as time went on, I put more and more effort into making the store what it is today. I had to believe it could be something that benefited the world, and shortly after...It did! The Store had become a huge Success. The process and the time it takes to build something like this is exhausting, (Trust me the stress is real), But one thing I learned was to keep moving forward". "Never chase happiness the same place you lost it." 

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